a town called E.

By Eej

As far ...

... as the eye can see: ice.

Lake Michigan is frozen over further than I have, than the Beloved has, that strangers we talked to have ever seen. I was hoping for a reprise of my October storm Blip*, but now with icy waves hitting the lighthouse. Of course, ice waves HAVE hit the lighthouse ... but then the waves froze and now you can stand at the furthest end of the pier and feel minuscule in the violent force of the cold winter. And look for miles and see nothing but ice.
We walked on the waves that are now like dunes of icy snow and sand. Treacherous, as there seem to be patches where the undertow was so wild it took much longer to freeze over, and is soft in spots.
The Beloved would not let me walk all the way up to the lighthouse over the waves, but we walked on the pier.

I love that Lake so fiercely.
One day we'll have a house there and I'll be there every day. But maybe not in the summer when it's horribly crowded.

I had so much difficulty choosing my Blip today, but this one shows most of what I will remember.

The date last night went splendid. Both my husband and me had a grand time :)

*I've linked to this one endlessly, I know, but it's kinda cool to use it as a reference point.

More frozen (and worth a look. I think. Anyway.)
More ice.
Frozen II

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