fomu's daily photo

By fomu

154/365 Little People take a deep bow for Lyra

I have to explain this Blip. I 'met' Lyra via Blipfoto. It happens that she is exactly as many days old as I started my Daily Photo project on the 18th November 2009.

Lyra is such a beautiful and funny baby, I always have to smile when I see the pictures her mother posts. And her mother Pooky always asks for the Little People.

So I thought I make a picture with the Little People and Lyra and I use todays Blip from Lyra and show that Blip on my iPhone.

What a coincidence that Lyra is posing with an iPhone! This was not agreed between Lyra and me!

I hope that Lyra lets me smile every day for a very long time!

Please take a look at the set up!

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