Ivinghoe Beacon and the Ashridge Estate

Ashridge Estate (on the borders of Beds, Bucks and Herts) this morning for a walk through the woods.  This view of Ivinghoe Beacon is from the northern edge of the estate.  

One of the highest points in the Chilterns it has a long and interesting history, with the remains of an Iron Age hill fort on the top.  It also marks the eastern end of the Ridgeway and western end of the Icknield Way.  And in the far distance you might just make out the town where chantler63 lives.  

We walk through the woods for an hour or so.  It’s surprisingly busy for a monday morning (don’t people have work to go to?)  Most seem to be accompanied by dogs scampering in and out of the greenery while I’m accompanied by Anniemay doing much the same with her fisheye lens.

Next to the cafe (cafes tend to be a prerequisite for my walks these days) stands an impressive monument (see extra) built in 1832 and dedicated to the 3rd Duke of Bridgewater aka ‘the father of inland navigation’.  He was a big cheese in the development of the canal system during the Industrial Revolution.  

This monument is cited about 2 miles away from the grand house where his family lived, because his mother apparently didn’t like him very much; she wanted "not to see or be reminded of my infernal son”.  Parents huh?

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