
By Igor

the art class

A lovely day out at Compton Verney to see the Marvellous Mechanical Museum of Automata with band-mate Tim and his wife Jet.  

JohnRH blipped this exhibition last month and I mentioned it to Tim as both he and Jet have a background in Art and Design.  They suggested we meet up and make a day of it.  So we did.

It was a bit like a blipmeet but without the cameras.  It started with coffee, then chat, laughs and then more chat and laughs before getting down to the business of the day.  The exhibition is amazing - the automata are ingenious and some are very funny.  It's on until the 30th of September if you're in the area.

There were a couple of schools parties on a visit and Anniemay, Jet and Tim decided to muscle in on one of their projects; rearranging a pile of wood in an artistic manner.  

Later on when we were having lunch the kids entertained us by dancing on the roof of the restaurant.  See extra.

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