Dougal, small = far away (OK, Ted).

We’re having a relaxing breakfast when we’re interrupted by an unfamiliar buzzing sound.  We try and puzzle it out for a moment - then Anniemay leaps up; “OMG” she cries “It’s the intercom..”  (she doesn’t really say OMG - I just put that in for dramatic effect).  

In her haste she misses the door to the hallway and dashes into the under-stairs cupboard. When she emerges, she just says; “I didn’t have my glasses on”.

We have an intercom - a means of letting visitors into the main door of the Train Shed.  As we’ve  had no visitors yet, we’ve not yet got round to figuring out how it works.  The only way is for one of us to try it.

I draw the short straw and walk down to the main entrance.  It’s a long way.

Once outside I enter the number of our house into a keypad.  She answers.  I say who it is, but she doesn’t appear to hear me.  Eventually, assuming it is me and not a stranger, she presses the button at her end to open the door.

As I walk back to our house, she emerges from the front door and I’m suddenly amazed by just how long the Train Shed is.  I stop and take a photo - but I can’t even see her on the screen.  Eventually I stop halfway and take my blip.  She’s still a long way away, but I can now see that it’s her.

We never did find out who buzzed us.

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