All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

The Blip "babies"

Ah ... it had to happen .... the run of lie-ins from Ethan has been broken. To be fair, he did make it to 6.40am and when I went through to him, his nappy was fit to explode it was so wet, his PJ bottoms, top and sleeping bag were wet through too. I'm not surprised though after he tanked down 2 full bottles of milk before bed last night!

Hubbie, Ethan and I went ot Almond Valley Heritage Centre this morning to meet up with 42, Mrs 42 & Miss42, Monochrome, Mrs Monochrome and their boys Aidan and Logan. Despite the blue skies, it was a freezing cold day. Not that it seemed to put off the kids who happily walked round the farm, fed the chickens and spent ages on the nutty bouncer. By the time they had finished on there, I couldn't feel my toes any more. Fortunately we then decanted to the soft play area followed by lunch.

After we left there, hubbie, Ethan and I went into Edinburgh. The plan was to look at furniture as we're after a new sideboard, but we didn't see anything we liked and got sidetracked by the sale in Mothercare / ELC!

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