Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks

Carbon Footprint

Went to the seaside today, in particular to Holland Haven Country Park. There were reports of a Baird's Sandpiper a very rare visitor from America and it didn't disappoint. Although as we left the hide we both agreed that driving that distance (75 miles) just to see a rare bird isn't what we enjoy about bird watching.

We did enjoy the walk back along the sea wall and then returned home via Abberton Reservoir a pleasant haunt last visited over 25 years ago. With a late return home we decided on a Chinese takeaway, which became even later as we had a puncture while driving thru Harlow and then as we arrived at the Chinese we were told there was an hour wait! At least that gave us time to return home and clean up our mucky paws after the tyre change.

So on a day that our carbon footprint grew I bring you Gunfleet Sands offshore wind farm. The wind farm first began generating electricity in August 2009 and the entire project went into production of energy in March 2010. Gunfleet Sands will supply enough "green power" to match the annual power consumption of around 125,000 British households. It's so much better to harness the earth's energy than to plunder it, projects like this certainly get my vote.

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