Who am I to disagree?

By longshanks


After Yesterday's Escapades I spent the morning extracting the sheared off little plastic thingy from the wheel nut thread - a "proper man" would have probably taken five minutes to sort it, but nonetheless I'm satisfied that we now have five working wheel nuts again.

Popped in to Lemsford Springs Nature Reserve. Not been there for a while, it's probably my favourite local haunt, a stream runs through what were former Watercress Beds. You can normally count on good close sightings of Little Egret, Green Sandpiper, Grey Wagtail, Wren, Mallard & Moorhen. I did manage to tick Grey Wagtail & Wren, but as you can see from today's photo it's now a trifle overgrown, whether this is by design or neglect I don't know.

RCB though did find sixteen Little Egrets at Tewkes Creek though plus a fine adult Cattle Egret in breeding plumage.

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