Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Oxford Christmas

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When we were at University we started celebrating 'Oxford Christmas'. Our very best gaggle of uni friends get together and cook a full Christmas dinner, then play games, sleep over and have lots of childlike fun. In the few years since we finished university, we've
had great fun keeping the tradition going.

This year's Oxford Christmas was the first night Lyra ever spent away from home, and the longest car journey she had been on to date (about an hour and a half). She has always been flexible and chilled but she
surpassed our wildest expectations, seeming very happy to be passed between all of my adoring friends. Maybe it's because she was so happy that this year instead of buying each other presents, everyone bought presents for Lyra instead!

Since last Oxford Christmas, this little group of friends has celebrated three weddings and one baby. One friend qualified as an actuary and two as barristers. We've grown up a lot this year it would seem - though you woudln't have thought it if you'd seen us playing Pictionary!

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