Lyra's life in pictures

By Lyra

Eight Month Review

Motor Skills
Last Month, Lyra was set the target of becoming proficient at coasting. Target Met.

*This month has seen Lyra become a speed crawler.
*Lyra has taken her first tentative steps with her baby walker.
*Lyra has stood unaided, very briefly for the first few times.
*Lyra has learnt to kneel. She is still not a very stable sitter but can kneel for great periods of time and has also been seen to walk on her knees!

Targets for next month:
*Improve currently rather clumsy dismount skills.
*Stand unaided long enough to be blipped...
*Become proficient at walking with the baby walker.

Eating and Drinking
Last month, Lyra was set the target of learning to drink by herself. She has exceeded all expectations and now regularly drinks from a sippy cup. (it is unacceptable that this achievement has not been recorded and blipped. Apologies from the management).

*Lyra has added increasing numbers of foods to those she has tried. Management are struggling to think of any new tastes for her to try!
*Lyra has now started eating the food that is clutched in her hand so very little food now goes to waste.

Targets for next month:
*To perfect the pincer grip and learn to eat small foods like peas and raisins without help.

Other Cute Things
*This month Lyra learnt to wave hello and goodbye
*Lyra has learnt to splash and now loves to crawl and play in the bath or paddle pool
*Lyra is becoming a very adept communicator and now shows us that she wants to sleep by climbing into our laps for a cuddle, she can also demonstrate she'd like some milk by trying to eat me! She helps herself to drinks when needed and can clearly show us which toy she'd like to play with.

Target for next month
It is a tall order, but I'd like Lyra to learn to clap.


Another month where Lyra has exceeded all expectations. This was celebrated with a cream Tea at Aunty Rosy's house. Aunty Rosy will now always be known as 'Aunty Jam'. Here you can see Lyra enjoying some blackcurrant Jam. This time last year, Aunty Jam was making it by the bucket load as I couldn't get enough of it when I was pregnant. Apparently I ate 18lbs!

Pooky Hesmondhalgh, Line Manager

Seven Month Review

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