This Edinburgh Life

By Meteor

Can you stand over there, please?

Most of the day was spent trying to get a photograph organised for an article about access to the Royal Commonwealth Swimming Pool in Edinburgh. This is an Evening News photographer marshalling some of our swimmers - 20 turning out with just a couple of hours notice wasn't bad I thought - and two of their coaches outside the Commie, as it is known locally.

For those interested in the background read on: The Royal Commonwealth Pool, subject of a multi-million refurbishment, is due to reopen in a couple of weeks after more than two years. Portobello Amateur Swimming Club used to train here three times a week in the evenings and twice in the mornings but has been offered just two lanes in the 5om pool for two hours on a Thursday night from 8.30pm to 10.30pm. This is far too late for our school-aged swimmers, some of whom are competing at national and regional level.

This photo opportunity was to help illustrate an article that should be appearing in the Evening News in the next day or two revealing the extent to which our and other clubs have been excluded from this marvellous new 50m pool.

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