michigan man

By outdoorguy


We stopped on the way to church this morning to take a picture of some rock cairns with 3 wooden crosses in the middle. Then a planned narrative about the 3 crosses. Crummy picture. Too much background.

Next, a picture of the cross at the front of our church with a white cloth draped on its sides. Picture kind of plain.

Then came the church sign out in front by the road. It stated" Easter Changes Everything". I believe it does change everything, including the chance for us to live forever. But, again, a so-so picture.

And then, and then, wait for it, I said wait for it.....my new grandson in bunny ears. With no little socks on his feet, it was the first time he had ever felt grass. He loved it. He is only six months old. He's going to be a bruiser. Good baby.

A wonderful day with a great church service, a good choir number, and then a real nice family dinner at our house. I think there were 24 of us. Nice enough to sit in lawn chairs outside, and even an Easter egg hunt. My wife and my older sister were great hostesses, as always.

I'm very thankful on this Easter Sunday for faith, family, and fotos.

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