Easter Egg Hunt

The little man (grandson Merricik Perry) was attending his second Easter. What a difference a year makes! Last year we were lucky to get a smile out of him. This year he is a whirling devish! A whirling dervish in search of eggs!!

His older cousins Ryan (11) and Caleb (7) left the easier egg finds for Merrick. His mom and dad helped him load and he was off and running. He reminds me of Forrest Gump when Forrest lost his leg braces and said..."From that point on...if I was going anywhere...I was running." All 3 boys filled up their Easter buckets.

It seems like all holidays now are bitter-sweet. In church today, everyone was in their Easter finest. Men in suits that never wear suits, and the women in their pretty pastels. Every Sunday was Easter sunday for my mom. Always a colorful dress, and a pretty hat to match. Plus...she always put on our family dinners...doing a marvelous job. I/we really miss her, and I shed a couple of tears today....thinking of her. Time marches on.

On my flickr page is another picture of the little runner (he's so cute!), and a picture of me and my wife Lisa (she's so cute!). I couldn't find my pink sweater...so I had to go with yellow. Have a great week!

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