Birthday Party

Tonight was my grandson's birthday party. Appetizers, pizza, and dessert. And...presents...many presents.

He is three years old. From the top left corner...going clockwise. 1. Merrick and Momma. (Karen, my daughter.) 2. Merrick and Daddy (S-I-L Doug.) 3. Merrick and the blanket Shelley made for him when he was born. 4. Blowing out the candles on his birthday cupcake...with Buzz and Woody. 5. Merrick after he opened Buzz Lightyear. (Grandma Lisa's present was a HUGE hit.)"

Speaking of Grandma Lisa... At Merrick's house last night, he said..."Look's cake!!" Off came the sheet cake onto the kitchen floor. was still in the box.

Grandma Lisa stripped off the frosting, added some pudding, Cool Whip, and Heath Bar. It was delicious. 18 dollars saved.

The little man was on his best behavior. So cute...even when he lost his pants.

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