Today's the day

By sheilwill


If I was a flower - I would most certainly be a streptocarpus....!

Its common name is the Cape Primrose, probably because it is a native to parts of Africa and Madagascar and the flowers do look a bit like a primrose, although it is really more closely related to African violets.

Nowadays it is possible to find an enormous variety of different colours of flowers from cool blues to firey reds, pale pinks to deep purples and every combination between that it is possible to imagine. I have grown them for many years and love them all.

The mecca for streptocarpus lovers would have to be the Dibley nurseries in Ruthin, North Wales. This is a plant that they specialise in and they have been responsible for many of the new varieties, many of which are called by a girl's name. The one shown here is called 'Bethan'.

Now to have one called 'Sheila' - that would be something special ...........

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