Today's the day

By sheilwill

The Gherkin

Today's the day .................... for innovative architecture

In London today for a training course tomorrow - and staying in a part of the city that I haven't been in for a long time. Took a walk to the Tower of London and Tower Bridge and just marvelled anew at these iconic landmarks.

Also walked past the above skyscraper - No 30 St Mary Axe, also known as the Gherkin. It was completed in December 2003 and is 623 ft tall with 40 floors. It stands on the former site of the Baltic Exchange building, which was severely damaged on 10 April 1992 by the explosion of an IRA bomb. It was designed by Norman Foster.

This is a part of London where there are buildings old and new - right next to each other, jostling for space - but it seems to work. Funnily enough, they seem to complement each other and the differences between them only serve to enhance their individual style ...............

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