Scout Scar

Today's the day ......................... to blow away the cobwebs

I seem to be having trouble shaking off this flu bug that laid me low last week. I was desperately in need of some fresh air despite the fact that everything seems to be clogged up (you don't want to know) - and the best place to go round here to blow away the cobwebs is Scout Scar.

It was wonderful up there today. The views in all directions were awe-inspiring - and what's more - I had it all to myself. This was probably just as well, so I could cough and splutter to my heart's content without annoying anybody. There was just the one jogger - but I don't think he was interested in anything but his jog.

The funny little shelter which looks like something which has landed from outer space is known as the Mushroom. It was built back in 1912 to commemorate the Coronation of King George V but was renovated a few years ago. If you stand in the middle of it, you can line up the features you can see on the landscape with an inscribed map on the ceiling.

This is the view southwestwards towards Arnside and Morecambe Bay ................

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