Mount Cook from Lake Pukaki

Today's the day ....................... to make an effort

There's no doubt that of Will and I - I'm the lazy one on holiday.

Given the choice, I would be quite content pottering about - maybe making it as far as the beach with my book - but not straying far from where we are. Sometimes I can persuade Will that he needs to chill out too - but usually he has got an idea of something he wants to paint and he wants to be off. Today - he wanted to paint snow - preferably on top of New Zealand's highest peak, Mount Cook.

I had actually won him round to the lazy day plan, but when today dawned with not a cloud in the sky - I could see that maybe it wasn't such a bad idea after all. It was in fact today - or not at all - because there won't be another opportunity to get to Lake Pukaki after today.

So off we went - and this is what Mount Cook looked like. I leave it to you to decide whether or not it was worth the effort to get there ..............................

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