Bishop Anstey High School Choir

Today's the day .......................... to compete

One of the reasons for going to North Wales at this time of the year was to spend a day at the Llangollen International Eisteddfod.

For a very reasonable price, we acquired a pass which allowed us access to all the competitions going on throughout the day.  And what fun we had.  There was such a friendly relaxed atmosphere  throughout - and everywhere you looked there were competitors who had travelled from all parts of the world.

We rather liked this choir from the Bishop Anstey High School in Trinidad and Tobago.  They sang a folk song which was all about a 'stuttering curate'.  They did it brilliantly too, complete with actions - and stuttering!  But in the end, this class was won by an even more brilliant choir from Indonesia - the Pangudi Luhur Youth Choir.  If you want to hear what they sang, their video clip is the first one on the left below the big picture.  We just happened to be sitting in the middle of them in the audience when the results were announced and their excitement was so great - we were almost deafened by their screams of joy!

The day finished with an evening concert in the big marquee featuring Bryn Terfel - and a few friends.  A day to remember for many reasons .......................

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