Beaumaris Castle

Today's the day ....................... for excellence

This is a floodlight view of Beaumaris Castle on the Island of Anglesey off the coast of north Wales.  It was built as one of the 'iron ring' of North Wales castles by Edward I, to stamp his authority on the Welsh and despite the fact that it was never completely finished, it is regarded by many as the finest of all the great Edwardian castles in Wales. Begun in 1295, it was also the last. Its ingenious and perfectly symmetrical concentric 'walls within walls' design, involving no less than four successive lines of fortifications, was state of the art for the late 13th century.

We’re in this part of Wales for a few days – to be joined soon by the rest of the family.  Eventually we will be six adults, two babies and a dog and there is plenty of room for everybody in the cottage where we are staying.  The extra is the special welcome pack awaiting the arrival of Brodie the dog!

We went on impulse tonight to a wonderful lecture at Bangor University entitled, ‘David Lloyd George: The Peacemaker’ given by Professor Margaret MacMillan.  She is the Professor of International History at Oxford – but also interestingly, a great-granddaughter of the man himself.  She was a most articulate and fluent speaker who really knew her stuff.  It was a privilege to hear what she had to say .............................


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