Kirkcudbright Tattoo

Today's the day ……………………. to twirl

A late blip tonight because we've just returned from one of the main events of the Summer Festivities Programme - the Kirkcudbright Tattoo.

It was very good too and very well attended - and considering it lasted for three hours, the time went very quickly.  There was a variety of entertainment on offer from massed pipe bands, brass band, Clanadonia (see extra), dancing, stunt cycling and tug-of-war - all taking place in the street in front of the Castle.

These girls were drummers in the Boghall and Bathgate Caledonia Pipe Band - an absolutely top class band that had won lots of awards in this country and abroad.  How they managed to march, twirl their drumsticks and beat in perfect time was awe-inspiring.  The night ended with a lone piper, playing a lament from the battlements of the castle - followed by a firework display.   

Edinburgh - eat your heart out ……………………!

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