
Today's the day ……………………… to clean the cooker

It's testament to the good weather that we have had, really since the start of Lockdown, that I haven't had to resort to this kind of blip before now.  But today, with the rain pelting down still and everything gloomy and miserable, there was no option.  A warning for readers with a low boredom threshold - look away now.

I've spent a fair bit of time today you see, cleaning the cooker.  It was Paula's blip yesterday that set me off - seeing her sparkling new one being installed made me realise that it was a while since I'd been anywhere near mine.  I have to say that the cooker was here already when we came.  And perhaps because the previous owners had run the house as a B&B for a while, it was pretty impressive - to my eyes at any rate.  With its six rings on the hob and a double oven, it was way beyond anything that I could ever have justified buying. 

I have come to love it though even though I probably don't use half the functions that it's capable of.  But today, I did use the 'Self-Clean Pyrolyse' programme to clean the oven.  It's a bit scary because once you set it going, it goes into its own complete lockdown.  It takes a couple of hours to complete, during which time it heats itself up to the sort of temperatures you might experience on re-entry to the earth's atmosphere after a moon landing.  You just have to trust that it knows what it's doing - and all will be well in the end.

And it SO is.  Look at that gleaming oven.  It's so clean that you could - well - eat your dinner off it ……………………...

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