
Today's the day ……………………… to plant a drift

Lovely to have a bright day today with even a bit of sunshine.  These snowdrops were enjoying it too.  And if you haven't already got them in your own garden, here are three tips (courtesy of Gardeners' World ) of how to get them looking at their best.

1.  Combine them with other plants.  Try growing snowdrops beneath deciduous shrubs or along the front of borders where herbaceous plants can provide ground cover when the snowdrops are dormant.  Plant them in the lawn or under a tree.

2.  Plant snowdrops 'in-the-green' in spring after they have finished flowering, but before the leaves have died down. This helps them absorb moisture quickly after they have been planted, as dry, rootless snowdrop bulbs do not establish well.

3.  Snowdrops do best in a well-drained soil in light shade, similar to their native woodland habitat. If you are planting your bulbs in heavy soil, add a little sharp sand or grit to the planting hole to improve drainage.

So there you go.  In my humble opinion, every garden should have a snowdrop or two somewhere ………………………!

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