
Today’s the day ...................... to simply do it
There are those who might say that the notion of posting 4000 pictures of your life, on a daily basis, would be just too overwhelming a thing to contemplate – and they would probably be right.  But that’s not how it has happened.  Blipping has simply become a habit that is now so much part of my life as to be inseparable from it.
It is the one unchanging thing over the past almost eleven years that have included all sorts of change – mostly for the better but not exclusively so.  Always, it has been the opportunity to share a moment caught on camera – be it something planned or something that just presented itself.  And what’s more, share it in a safe and secure place - with a bunch of warm-hearted and non-judgemental folk who are as delighted as you are when you come up with something outstanding but equally, will give comfort and words of wisdom when needed.
So it’s easy to see how I come to find myself in this position.  A bit like this beautiful agapanthus against a clear blue sky – you simply get on and do it - simply .................!

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