Today's the day

By sheilwill

Orange Tip

Today's the day ........................ to chase butterflies

At the risk of sounding ungrateful - it was almost too hot today.  At least it was too hot to be attacking weeds in a sheltered bit of the garden.  So I had to stop quite often and have a little rest!

What I really wanted to do, was to get a picture of a Holly Blue butterfly, several of which were flying around.  They tend to fly high around bushes and trees, and as their name suggests they particularly like holly (in spring) and ivy (in late summer).  It is a bit of a treat to see one at all actually, because it's only in the last five years or so that they have expanded northwards into Scotland.  In fact, if you do see one, you have to report it here.

Anyway, I didn't manage to get a picture of a Holly Blue - and so this classic pose of a female Orange Tip on some Lady's Smock will have to do.   If I ever do manage to get a Holly Blue, I promise you will be the first to know .........................! 

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