Brought to you by the letter C

By thegeneous

Deer in the City

This picture really is better viewed larger!

It snowed last night! Then it rained!

I woke up this morning to find my car encased in a couple inches of snow with a hard crust from the rain. I left early because I wasn't sure what the roads would be like. I heard on the radio that they had to setup a temporary shelter for motorists stranded north of the city following a 55 car pileup last night! Anyway, this morning the city streets were fine once you got out of the residential areas.

Saw these deer as I was driving past Nose Hill Park, so I pulled over to get a photo. This was as close as I could before they turned and started moving away. Wish that I had a longer lens with me at the time, but ...

Once I finished with the deer I decided to wait for first light to get some more pictures of the snowfall.

Glazed (This was my alternate blip)
Snow on Grass
Frosted Trunks
Tangled Branches
Treacherous Path

I had the dog with me (took her to doggy daycare today) and she enjoyed playing in the snow. Unfortunately she has a nasty tendency of pulling on her lead just as I am trying to snap a picture!

I was headed up a path to get a better angle for a shot that I ultimately discarded anyway when I ran right into a coyote. I tried to get my lens cap off and snap a picture, but Sophie started barking (barping as Thing 4 would say). All I got were his tracks leading away in the snow.

As I was packing up I noticed this lonely shoe abandoned along the path. I am sure it's owner was upset when she lost it!

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