All about Lallybroch

By Lallybroch

Reflecting on work

I was going to start by saying that Ethan slept through the night last night. It's true, he did - but he woke for the day at 5am and that still feels like the middle of the night to me! Still, trying to put a positive spin on things, at least it meant hubbie and I got to see him awake for a few hours before we had to go to work!

It was Ethan's first full day at nursery today. As soon as I handed him over to the nursery nurse, he started sobbing uncontrolably, so I had to leave very quickly before I ended up sobbing too! I managed to resist the temptation to phone the nursery throughout the day to check up on him as I kept telling myself they would phone me if there was a problem.

Another day of catching up on training modules and sorting out systems accesses at work. I found out a few days before I went back to work that I won't be immediately joining my old team as I'm being "loaned out" to another team. I wasn't initially sure how to take that but having spoken to their team leader today, hopefully it will all be fine.

I managed a quick wander at lunchtime to try to get a blip. I've blipped my work before, but it was a MUCH nicer day today! On the right hand side of the photo you might just be able to make out a blue fence (you can see it better in my previous photo). That's where the trams are going to run past ... well so they say ... if they ever get up and running that is! There doesn't seem to have been much progress made during the 18 months I was off work!

I picked Ethan up from nursery just after 5pm. Again he burst ito tears when he saw me and clung to me like he'd never let go. Once we got to the car though he had a big grin on his face and he was fine once we got back home. He demloished a big bowl of pasta for dinner which was just as well, as the nursery said he had refused both breakfast and lunch with them. Apparently the only things he had eaten all day were a few breadsticks! Oh dear!

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