Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

Another Bottlebrush

Looking at this Bottlebrush flower and all the stamens and their organization gave me some thoughts about the importance of every little detail that comes together to form the bigger concept.

I blipped one of these "flowers" a little over a week ago. It was "more solid" if that's the right term. So when I saw this one today, I thought about all the details, all the pieces that have come together to make the moving of my campus office from my place -- in the outside first floor of the library office wing, to where it is located now in the West End Quad.

I was in my "former" office today for the last time before the fencing is installed Monday morning; I just needed to make sure that I had not forgotten anything. I've thrown out piles of paperwork, removed books that are old and that have been replaced with newer editions, so I have left the former office thin in materials. I also cleaned as I removed things. My office is looking lean and mean; well, you can discard the "mean," but it sure looks clean and uncluttered; it looks lean.

I looked into all the other offices near mine. Plastered my face against their glass doors to learn if I could see in through the darkly tinted glass. I could see in and most of them look as though the occupant left in a hurry with materials strewn all about! It looks like a disaster struck and they ran!

I have an office-sized refrigerator that I've kept at home the past number of years. Today we took that to the campus and into the new office. The place is coming together one stamen at a time. Soon all the stamens will be in place and this move might possibly have some rhyme and reason.

So for whatever it is worth, I'm starting to feel like my new office space is organized, and maybe it will soon feel like campus home. I'm truly amazed that such little piece of geography of such a big campus has caused me so much distress. Week 4 of this semester arrives Monday. I hope to have my compass set and the journey to be smooth from here on out. That might be unrealistic, but it certainly is positive. Now all the new office needs is a bottle of champagne to christen the voyage.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun), aka Carol

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