
By transparency

One little indian

T and I went to our new house to meet my parents to put together our new entertainment center (upon explaining to T that that was the reason for going to the new place, he exclaimed: Am I going to be the entertainment?!), which was handed down from my aunt (and was previously my grandmother's). While we were waiting, I started raking the leaves in the back yard. T was dressed in a suit and tie for picture day at school but was dying to jump in the pile of leaves. I said: Well, you can't get your dress clothes all dirty and we won't have any of your clothes over here until tomorrow. He went into the house, stripped down to his underwear, and came back out. T: Can I jump in the leaves now, Mom? How could I say no? I had him put on a t-shirt of mine that I had in the car. Here is the leaf pile jumper, in action.
My parents arrived, my step mom and I spent over 2 hours putting the entertainment center together! She brought T a Native American outfit, that was surplus from the Austin Children's Museum store. Both she and my cousin work there. T is lucky.
Tomorrow is the big moving day! Hooray!

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