On the move...

Bucky and Buckita have been pottering about Edinburgh for the last wee while but they've booked their travel plans for their next great adventure through blip land journals. I can't give away to many details but they're in for a a brill time.

They're now packed up in their box nest and heading out by her majesty's pleasure. This was taken a couple of hours earlier whilst they enjoyed a wee relaxing paddle before the bustle of packing began.


Have you encountered Bucky before? Bucky has been travelling the world one blip journal at time. He's actually managed to post just over 100 images of his travels which began almost 4 years ago and you can see a full list of his adventures by searching for his BuckyBlip tag.

If you'd like to invite him to see your corner of the world, just drop him a wee email to buckytheducky[at]googlemail[dot]com sending your postal address and blip journal name. He takes a leisurely pace but gets there eventually.

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