Life & times of the B-H's

By SarahOberon


was the order of the day for the Boo. So tired and sore.

for me, mammouth baking session in the evening for Stuart work for red nose day. Cheddar and basil muffins, red onion, red pepper and feta muffins, choccy and summer fruit cupcakes, mini sticky toffee cupcakes and mini pear and ginger muffins.

Thankfully mum did the shop as alfie can't leave the house for a week and even then place like supermarkets etc. are off the agenda for another week.

Poor Stuart totally sleep deprived has had to cope with work.

I have work to do and am desperately trying to concentrate on it but failing but I promise it will be done in time ;-).

Alfie also had MRSA found on skin swab so we have to bath him in a medicated wash everyday, put cream up his nose and wash his hair in it to keep him clear. This is with the 2 painkillers 3-4 times aday, iron from the blood loss 2 times daily and strong antibiotics 3 times daily....

Oh joy!

Cats very happy, Myrtle keeps curling up on Boos lap when he is sleeping with me.

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