Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol


We woke-up this morning to wet sidewalks, but the rain had already stopped. We exited our Laguna Beach motel before 10:00 and went north a few miles to Balboa Island to have breakfast at a little hole in the wall Mexican cafe. We had previously eaten dinner at this place, but never breakfast. It was delicious.

Then we were off to get the pups at the Beach City Bow Wow dog boarding place. They absolutely stunk because of playing with all the other dogs. We were told Chloe "wet" her bed, which didn't surprise me. She has to go immediately every morning; the minute we get the door open to her little kennel house, we race to the back-door to get her outside. ;-)

So on the drive home these three could hardly keep their eyes open. Once we got home, it was obvious the dogs wanted to eat. I don't think they eat well when they are in a foreign place. Since arriving home we've washed all their things: harnesses, leashes, beds, and bedding. Then Mr. Fun went above and beyond the call of duty and gave each one of them a bath one-at-a-time. I toweled dried and used the blow dryer on one as the next was getting bathed. What a job! Now they smell so good, and they are so fluffy.

We spent the rest of the afternoon on the bed. The pooches snoozed while Mr. Fun organized and uploaded his new (used) CDs that he purchased at the Laguna Beach Friends of the Library store and one of the thrift stores. I kicked off my shoes and graded papers while Chloe kept my leg warm and Mitzi occasionally snuggled my feet. Max is on the foot of the bed, but he's so dark that it's difficult to see him.

Now it is evening. We're about to light the fireplace and watch a movie. We had a fabulous two days away, but we're more than pleased to be home.

Good night from Southern California.
Rosie (& Mr. Fun, Chloe, Mitzi, & Max), aka Carol

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