Sunday: How My Night Shift Ended

So, picture the scene.  End of the nightshift at 0900.  Trot down to courtyard as fast as legs will carry me and clamber into car...............and then nothing.........not a squeak.  So naturally I do what every woman does and phone partner who is 10.2 miles away.

To cut a long story short, first AA man arrives and after much sucking of teeth declares: 'Nah, it's not yer battery, luv, it's a recovery job', and then waits, with what I swear is glee in his eyes, for a reaction.  

Second AA man arrives to recover the vehicle which involves a lot of fannying about as the entrance to our courtyard at work was obviously designed for small horses and carts and not for anything larger than a hansom cab.  So first I had to be towed out with a rope before little car could be placed in the recovery position.

AA man saw me taking photos and declared: 'Don't be putting me on youtube' which is a shame because of course it would have been a clip that would have smashed all hits.  Bearing in mind I had a 12 hour nightshift behind me, I was delighted when AA man's first comment when I got in his cab was: 'So.........Libya!  It's got to be about the oil and you can't tell me different!'  Heated political debate on no sleep!  Yay!

Got the car towed to our local garage where it started first time!

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