
By dsyglsy

I disagree...

...it was a bloody miracle we didn't get chucked out of the art gallery.

firstly, we were taking photos which you're not allowed to do without permission and you're definitely not allowed to do at all in the memorial hall - especially not close-up photos of the marble statue's genitals (beth!). and apparently you're not allowed to make full use of the amazing echo in the memorial hall because you can hear it throughout the rest of the building...who knew? and finally, you're not allowed to climb on or swing from the art installations...even if they are just steel girders that look like they've been nicked from a building site.

but the staff were lovely and tolerant and I'll never stop taking the kids to the art gallery because it's a great place to be and it needs to be accessible to kids too.

I had an ace day today - lovely lunch with friends then an unexpected rammy at ours later...brilliant. and did I mention I love my new uggs?

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