Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

i can see clearly now..........

well that's it folks. i can take no more. the last straw has not just broke the camels back but pile driven him into the ground and set fire to the remains.

so, I QUIT! yep, today i handed in my notice. this is a very odd feeling as never before (except when i moved to london to live with Mrs McD) have i left a job without somewhere to go to. it has always been walk out of one only because i have found something better.
all i can say is that it's a sad state of affairs when i would rather run the risk of being unemployed for a while rather than sticking it out at the office. normally i would be there to the death, as being out of work really scares the shit out of me but when it starts affecting your health and home life then it is time to draw a line under it and get out.

i feel such a sense of relief at the moment which is slowly being caught up by the fear surrounding what i've just done but i know it's the right thing to do..............

....................i think?

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