Annie's In Oregon

By anniescottage


I went along for the ride today, as my friend went to pick up her new vehicle. This was her last ride in her old one and, as you can see, she kept her mind focused on telling me about the new ride and letting go of the old. A fun exchange!

It was a day of portraits, I only photographed people, unusual for me. In addition to my friend going to trade in her car, I also took a portrait of Meagan which I have not posted here. Meagan has worked in my office for several years and purchased the Hair Company, got her license, and has been running her shop while working at our office. Yesterday, she made the decision to turn in her resignation and pour her heart into her family and her salon. Although I took her portrait today and am very happy with it, I'm working to remove the background in the photo before I save it. I'm learning from my contraptioneer, as I go, and the detail work I'm trying to do is tedious. I may try to post a link later, just to record the process I've been going through today. Normally, I don't edit photos, but I felt her portrait was good enough to try to isolate it just for the experience. You, my blip friends, seem to be rubbing off on me, even though my methods are unconventional and completely untrained. The experiments that happen and the ideas that pop into my mind every day are joyous! Thanks for being a constant source of inspiration! Thank you, my Contraptioneer, for your support and help...every day, too!

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