jeni and the beans

By themessymama

Ben glasses on

Finally caught up with myself!! Hurrah :D
Sunday - arriving
Monday - sweet dusty-bones
Tuesday - swingpark
Wednesday - musical conversation
Thursday - lanterns
Friday - Eat, drink and make lovely things

And I've not missed my 300! Had a bit of a panic this morning thinking with all the backblipping I'd missed the 300 mark and would have to put up with a picture of pretty organza bags to celebrate. Thankfully this is not the case and I still have two days left still to plot and plan and prepare!

Ben was gracious enough to let us lie in a bit this morning. (Take that to read we pretended to sleep, and tried to ignore him jumping on us and generally not being very gentle.) Right up until one of us said the "D" word at which Ben leapt out of bed, ran to the door yelling "drumming!! downstairs, come on everybody!!!" and proceeded to pull the duvet off us, fetch dressing gowns and slippers and socks, and fair drag us downstairs.

Lovely breakfast as a family, and then more drumming. And baths. And now Ben's in bed, shattered after his early morning (I'm starting Operation Lie-In next week, train him back into staying in bed longer in the morning), and Steve's watching Qualifying, and thinking about the afternoon's task of pulling up all the freshly laid floor tiles in the bathroom and scraping off the rubbish tile adhesive which still hasn't set after 3 days, and cementing the things down instead.

And babysitter sorted for tonight so Steve and I can go out to our leaders' meeting together!

Nice to see the sunshine again :) Happy Saturday everyone!

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