Stroking the Kitty!

Little Wilhelm and his mom joined me on my blip walk late this afternoon. He was at his best! ;-)

He stroke this kitty, walked on again, and turned back to sroke the kitty again!

Then R jnr arrived with the terrible twins on leashes, and little Wilhelm turned to them and then the 'charm' was turned on again!

He took Milo's leash and walked her for a while, then he took Chino, ahhh, too cute for words! In the end, it turned out that he preferred to walk with Chino, she is só lively and she leads him, running in front of him, pulling him behind her! But when R jnr gave Milo's leash back to him, he complained in nó uncertain terms: She is tóó slow, he wants Chino back!! Hehehehe!

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