Who knew?

By InOtherNews

For Jackie

I had to put this on. A nice Saturday evening stroll to the local reservoir presented me with this shot which I personally feel is the bext I've had on blip. Maybe I'm wrong, but I hope people look at it anyway.

I found out since blipping earlier that my friend Jackie (of Lee and Jackie) was sleepwalking last night and jumped out of a first story window. She's shattered her pelvis, brokenoth ankles and a wrist and has a bit of internal bleeding as well. I'm so gutted for her,those two as you will recall were both amazing the nights I spent after my little turn.

So this beautiful shot is just for her. As she lies alone in a hospital bed right now I guess it will mean very little, and as Lee struggles with a full time job, one year old child and two dogs it will be of no comfort to them. However maybe once the long road to recovery has been walked then maybe they'll appreciate this peace.

It's actually taken at a spot less than fifteen minutes walk from my house. I think I should go there more often.

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