My life in blips

By Goretex

Azalia time again

Noticed that the Azalia bush was bursting forth with some new blooms this afternoon.

Spent lovely day with Mags and the dogs. Walked in Mugdock, then had great lunch.

Funniest moment of the day had to be when LL - not one for going into water - decided to follow MP into the loch. Unfortunately, LL did not realise there was no gentle shelving and so basically fell in right paw and head first. He went right under, but dog instinct kicked in and he found himself swimming back to the edge, needing a bit of a helping hand to get out though. Lots of spluttering and disbelief on his part on exit. Lots of laughter on our part!

Think that will be the first and last time LL will go in for a swim!

(Just realised Mags and I had a day out like this exactly a year ago).

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