It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

I'm not black I'm brown....

Waaaaahaaaay yes you guessed it, today mum took me to the BEACH! Yippppeeeee!

I had just the BEST time. It was fairly quiet & the tide was coming in so we ran along the seashore with mum kicking my ball for me into the sea. It was FAB.

Mum was funny because she was out of breath before we had even gone for 5 minutes! I like her to run along with me kicking the football and I guess which way she is going to kick it. Then every now & then she will throw it WAY out into the sea so I have to dive in and get it. I LOVE it! I normally tell her that I want it to go into the sea by running that way before she throws or kicks it. I LOVE mum when she plays like that with me.

There weren't very many doggies around to run off & play with but there was a big black lab boy, who I thought YAY he looks like fun, so I ran as fast as I could towards him. Mum was shouting to go steady but I ignored her, he's a big black lab so he is bound to want to play :-) but when I leapt on him he turned around and bit my nose :-(. I screamed & ran to mum. I have a big scratch on my nose now. I was ok after a few minutes, I kept going after him with my tail wagging to tell him I was sorry for jumping on him but mum put me on the lead for a bit. She said I must be careful, not all doggies like puppies like me to jump on them.

After a while we then caught up with a lovely golden lab called Ria. She was soooooo lovely. She shared her ball with me and showed me how far out to sea she went to swim and get it. I went after it one time, when it was reeeeeaaaly far out, but when my feet didn't touch the bottom any more I got scared and came back and let Ria go and get it. I played with her for aggggeeeessss! She loved my football. I shared that with her because she shared her ball with me. Mum said I'm so lovely to do that :-). She never has to worry about me biting other doggies. I just want to play or lick them to bits!

Then we had to go. Boooooooo. I was absolutely soaking wet and I must say that I was a bit cold. So I decided to dry myself off in the sand. It was lovely. I rolled over and over and rubbed myself in it, wiggling my bum to make myself rub even more. That's why I look so sandy in my picture. I was keeping my eye on my ball. That's why I wouldn't look at the camera!

I am soooooo tired now. Mum said that she is going to bathe my little cut in some water later. She was going to give me a bath but all the sand has brushed off really easily. She will see what daddy says because he is coming home tonight! Yay! And then one more day of work for him then he is off to spend time with us :-) I CAN'T WAIT!

Bye for now
Lily xxx

Ps my tummy is a lot better. I am almost back on normal doggie food again. Only 3 more days of nasty pink pills to go. Thank you soooooo much to everyone who has been so kind & left lovely comments for me :-)

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