
By Juli

Bob the Postie.

This is Bob - possibly the world's greatest postman, certainly an outstanding human being, willing blip victim subject and the suspected father of my youngest child. Of course, I'm just kidding about that last bit! Seriously, though, I don't think he realises how our much our doorstep conversations, as we put the world to rights, helped me cope when I wasn't very well and virtually housebound a few months ago. He feels like an old friend - funny how that happens with some people.

On Sunday he'll be running in the London Marathon, in memory of friends and family who've died of heart disease and despite having had heart surgery himself a few years ago. He's been training hard for months so shouldn't have any trouble, although he's getting a bit nervous now!

Judging by the comments on his sponsorship page, I'm not the only one who thinks he's a lovely guy and I wish him the very best of luck. I'm sure he'll have a terrific day.

Shorts update: Bob seems to wear these whatever the weather - I assumed they must be Royal Mail issue! He was going to pop back later in his running gear but I told him not to - he works hard enough as it is. He's going to bring his medal and t-shirt round next week, though.

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