
By Sam

And So It Begins

Today is the start I start something awesome! I say 'I'. Is what I should say is 'we'. Me and astroexe are starting a fun little photo project today.

Here is how it's going to work:
- One person sets a series of criteria for an image (eg. must be monochrome, must include a hat etc.)
- The other then goes out and takes a picture, making sure to keep to those criteria
- Once that photo is posted (here on blipfoto), that person sets another series of criteria.

...and so it goes on.

We want to try and stick to a weekly schedule but it may deviate slightly, we'll see how it goes.

It's Jack's turn to submit the criteria first, go and see his blip from today to see them.

If you want to give this a go yourself, feel free to, just make sure you're subscribed to mine and Jack's journals to get the criteria each week and then link to your posts in the comments.

Let's see how this goes!

P.S. Sorry for the messy floor, it's the dog's room.

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