It's a dogs life!

By LilytheLab

A beach with no sea??!

Mischief has been my middle name today. I have felt like causing a bit of TROUBLE! Tee Hee.

This morning I helped mum do some housework. I helped her unload the washing machine by dragging out the socks and pants and taking them off with me into the lounge. Then I helped her with the recycling. Everytime she put something in the box and turned around to get something else, I would remove it from the box for her, Tee hee, GREAT GAME! Then when she was hoovering I woofed and woofed to warn everyone and anyone to stay away from the scarey hoover. I had a GREAT morning :-)

Then this afternoon we went to my favourite place in the world..... the BEACH!! Yipppeeee. I dashed over the little dunes because I was dying for a swim. I haven't swum for a week now :-( but do you know what? The beach had NO SEA???? I couldn't understand it. I kept running down the beach looking for it, but I just ended up at mud. Mum and daddy were shouting for me to come back because I got VERY VERY muddy indeed, ooops!

It was really good fun anyway. I chased my ball LOADS and there was hardly anyone there (well who would go to a beach with no sea??) so we stayed for ages. I had a little play with another doggie but I was much more interested in chasing my ball.

It was VERY windy. Daddy took a photo of me with my panting tongue blowing in the wind which was really funny, but I really wanted to show you the beach with no sea because I really couldn't believe it. Mum said that when the tide comes in it will be there and she will make sure we go next time so that I can swim :-) Yipppeeeee! This is the nearest beach to us that lets doggies on it in the summer. It is called Sand Bay. The sand is really lovely and soft on the beach bit.

I am now off for a lovely rest on the beanbags. They smell GORGEOUS because mum has washed them today :-)

Bye for now
Lily xxx

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