Bitter River

By shaun22

Keep the Car Running

by The Arcade Fire
(YEAH they played this song!)

The Arcade Fire played two free shows in the next town over tonight.
we got into the first show, and didn't stick around to try for the 2nd.
was a really fun show- although kinda short.
can't complain though- being free and all.
the autofocus was kinda being a pain in the butt, but whatever.
there was a lot of clapping & jumping involved. : )

Jess will have a fun blip for the day-
i'll probably link to it when she gets it posted.

i switched pictures.
i took this one while sitting in line for 3 hours.
it was a really nice day to be outside though.
original posted blip (unedited- pic at show)
original for this one

Jess had a fun pic from the show.
kat's blip is also from the wait.

~also, i've been in a commenting funk lately.
im trying to break free.~

*a year ago today*
Fridays Live

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