Disney makes you feel

good :-)

Took the students to Disneyland Paris. I've never been before.

I found myself smiling the minute we let the kids loose. Not sure if that was because we were in Disney, the sun was shining or I was letting the kids loose!

Spent a fortune.

Went on a couple of rides - Indiana Jones (to break myself in) and Space Mountain (which was terrifyingly cool - "again, again"). Not bad going as I am scared of coasters and haven't been on one since I went to Alton Towers in my mid-teens.

Watched the parade from up on high - so I was really pleased to find that Snow White appeared to have made eye contact with the lens.

Back blip - Even soldiers have lunch

No blip for Thursday - after travelling overnight, doing the science museum and not having slept for 48 hours and getting a late night due to corridor duty being a tad stressful, I woke up on Thursday morning with the worst migraine I have had in years. So I missed the tour of the sights of Paris whilst I slept with my head under a pillow and occasionally talked to God on the great white telephone.

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