Dreaming in Blues

By SapphireDreamer

Eyes on the Prize

Only had two of my normal three classes today. Which means...no class from 6pm-10pm!!!! WOO!!

On the way home, the bus broke down in the middle of the intersection at the base of the rather large hill we all then had to walk up. The actual hill is not in the shot, cuz those were blurry. :(

After my intense exercise (i'm grossly out of shape), i got home to find out that two of our smoke detectors were beeping. *sigh* Killed those batteries and have been relaxing ever since.

*played around with my camera this morning and got this

*POM tea

"She just...collapsed! One minute she was standing there and the next, she was falling!"
"Well, for what it's worth, sir, you most likely saved her life. This smashed glass might have killed her had she fallen on it."
The Good Samaritan ran his hand through his short graying hair. "I'm just lucky i was in the right place at the right time."
Officer Moss looked up from his notepad. This guy was either an honestly good guy or he was very good at faking sincerity.

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