Paperdoll Debris

By jesafly

a thing strange and wonderful

Their is a definite lack of seating at bush camps. The construction team made this swing out of left over bits of rebar (reinforcing wire) that they bent into loops.

This lass and her tiny siblings were often around our camp. She would come after school (often still in uniform) to sell us pineapples and small sweet bananas. And otherwise shyly hang around trying out her english and french words and observing our activites.

One day they came over to the swing, while we were working on cutting rebar, and with some trepidation perched on it. Seeing that she could push the swing with her younger siblings on it, led to some nervous fun for the younger two, with big eyes and fixed expressions. I gave the swing a gentle push for her also, as well as taking a series of photos, of which this is my favourite.

She is a beautiful girl, but so shy I never quite caught her name...

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