Another Day

By pcc

Marching on.

What a wonderul day - it was a nor'wester which is warm.
Time to give Amber a bath, as she can dry off in the warm sun.

This image reminds me of ants marching - but in actual fact they are the seed of the Swan Plant I photographed on the 4th May. Some people said it was called Milkweed in the USA. This is probably right, as when you break a stalk off, there is milk that ouzzes out.
They are so delicate, and much finer than a thistle down, or dandelion.
Very difficult to photograph to show them up well. You can see how they spread their seeds so easily.
My mother is back in hospital again - fighting an infection in the legs - cellulitis, and very low blood pressure. I am thinking of you Mum.

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