Uncertain Emotions

By meltingman

Peru Day 7: Our Goal!

Could there be any other photo for today? No. Even though technically it's not great, it's so iconic that I couldn't not blip it. There were other photos of me, but I spoilt the view, so here in all its glory is Machu Picchu.

Up at 04:30 to rain and low cloud. Away from camp by 06:30 after saying goodbye to the chaskis, chefs etc. It was just a 6km walk this morning but it was a scary and tough one along the most dangerous part of the trail. The path was very uneven, about 3ft wide in places, with 500ft drops to one side. At one point we saw the results of a landslide which was truly scary - our guides had seen it happen during the rainy season.

The only slight disappointment was when we reached the famous Sun Gate (Inti Punku) where Machu Picchu is revealed below in all its glory, it was cloudy! We caught a few glimpses, but the impact was minimised. That was, however until we got lower down and could see it properly.

You don't half feel smug arriving in Machu Picchu when you've walked for 4 days to get to it and we all felt it was ours, and that the fancy tourists who'd arrived by train and bus didn't really deserve to be there.

I'd have loved to spend longer here. It's indescrible and it's an experienc that I'd have loved to share with my Dad but I know he'd never manage the height (it's really perched very high up!)

I walked through the Temple of the Condor, marvelled at the stone work and tutted at the tourists clogging the place up. Despite our early start, we were late getting there, which was a real shame.

After our visit, we caught a bus down into town, had an awful lunch, a mooch around and then went back to Cuzco by Peru Rail (which was wonderful) and coach. I accidentally ended up on The Party Bus, which involved beer, vodka, rum, singing and persuading Saul the guide to show us his finely defined abs ;-)

I crashed into bed when we got back. Some of the others went out until 4am.

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Other photos from today:
My favourite - a 15minute old baby llama
Me, taking in the view
Celebrating our arrival
More Incan stonework at Machu Picchu

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